Results for 'A. Juan Abugattás'

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    El Factor ideológico en la ciencia y la tecnología.Juan Abugattás (ed.) - 1984 - Lima: Mosca Azul Editores.
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  2. (1 other version)Having False Reasons.Juan Comesaña & Matthew McGrath - 2013 - In Clayton Littlejohn & John Turri (eds.), Epistemic Norms: New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 59-80.
  3. Tratado de epsitemología.Juan Florencio García - 1935 - La Habana,: Imprenta La Milagrosa.
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  4. Algunos tópicos insidiosos en menoscabo de la argumentación fáctica (y de su control) cuando de absoluciones se trata.Juan Igartua Salaverría - 2018 - In Carmen Vázquez Rojas (ed.), Hechos y razonamiento probatorio. [Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo]: Editorial CEJI.
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  5. Inteligencia sentiente, reidad, Dios: nociones fundamentales en la filosofía de Zubiri.Juan José García - 2006 - Pamplona, Spain: Universidad de Navarra.
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    Etica: un horizonte en quiebra.Juan Jorge Michel Fariña - 1998 - Buenos Aires: EDUEBA. Edited by Juan Jorge Michel Fariña & Ignacio Lewkowicz.
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  7. Constitución de objetividades en la conciencia.Juan Carlos Rincón Acuña - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén (ed.), La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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  8. Ars celebrandi : la belleza de la liturgia.Juan David Muriel Mejía - 2015 - In Castrillón López, Luis Alberto & Carlos Arboleda Mora (eds.), Belleza y mística. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    Eros y ethos informáticos.Parent Jacquemin & Juan María - 1986 - Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico.
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    Teoría analítica del derecho: la interpretación de la ley.Juan Igartua Salaverría - 1994 - Oñati, [Spain]: IVAP, Herri-Arduralaritzaren Euskal Erakundea.
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    Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia.Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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  12. Knowledge and rationality: essays in honor of Stewart Cohen.Juan Comesaña & Matthew McGrath (eds.) - 2025 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book features original essays on knowledge and rationality as related to the work of Stewart Cohen. This is the first volume dedicated to Stewart Cohen, one of the most influential epistemologists of the last few decades. Stewart Cohen is responsible for introducing the New Evil Demon problem, the problem of easy knowledge, and epistemic contextualism. Any one of these contributions is sufficient by itself to establish a lasting philosophical legacy. The chapters in this book reflect of Cohen's legacy and (...)
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  13. El manantial: homenaje a Leonardo Polo, en el décimo aniversario de su fallecimiento.García González & A. Juan (eds.) - 2023 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
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  14. Un cuerpo propiamente dicho.Parent Jacquemin & Juan María - 1983 - Toluca, Estado de México, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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    Estudios sobre idealismo alemán.García González, A. Juan & Rafael Reyna Fortes (eds.) - 2021 - Madrid: Ápeiron Edicines.
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    Norbert Lechner, Las sombras del mañana. La dimensión subjetiva de la política, Lom Ediciones, 2002, 132 p.Juan Jiménez A. - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El argumento general que presenta el texto de Lechner está bastante bien resumido por el propio autor, así que no vamos a intentar mejorarlo: “Nuestra sociedad se encuentra atravesada por la lucha que enfrenta la reivindicación de la auto-determinación democrática a la naturalización de lo social. En su lucha por ‘ser sujeto’ (tanto individual y colectivo) de su destino, los hombres se topan con múltiples problemas (pág. 99). Lo que se produce en la sociedad chilena es una autonomía de los (...)
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    Escritos en memoria de Leonardo Polo.García González & A. Juan (eds.) - 2014 - Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universitad de Navarra.
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    The Ecological-Enactive Model of Disability: Why Disability Does Not Entail Pathological Embodiment.Juan Toro, Julian Kiverstein & Erik Rietveld - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:537925.
    In the last 50 years, discussions of how to understand disability have been dominated by the medical and social models. Paradoxically, both models overlook the disabled person’s experience of the lived body, thus reducing the body of the disabled person to a physiological body. In this article we introduce what we call the Ecological-Enactive (EE) model of disability. The EE-model combines ideas from enactive cognitive science and ecological psychology with the aim of doing justice simultaneously to the lived experience of (...)
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    Dios creador según Santo Tomás de Villanueva.Leonet Zabala & Juan María - 2023 - Pozuelo Alarcón (Madrid): RL Editor. Edited by Nicolás A. Castellanos.
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    Epistemic Standards for Participatory Technology Assessment: Suggestions Based Upon Well-Ordered Science.Juan M. Durán & Zachary Pirtle - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1709-1741.
    When one wants to use citizen input to inform policy, what should the standards of informedness on the part of the citizens be? While there are moral reasons to allow every citizen to participate and have a voice on every issue, regardless of education and involvement, designers of participatory assessments have to make decisions about how to structure deliberations as well as how much background information and deliberation time to provide to participants. After assessing different frameworks for the relationship between (...)
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    Husserl et Zubiri: six études pour une controverse.Tirado San Juan & Víctor Manuel - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur reprend autour de Husserl, créateur de la phénoménologie, et de Xavier Zubiri le très ancien débat entre idéalisme et réalisme. Influencé par Husserl et Heidegger, Zubiri a élaboré un réalisme transcendantal qui corrige les erreurs du réalisme naïf et qui dépasse le réalisme critique. L'auteur illustre ce qu'il appelle un "combat de géants" et montre comment les deux hommes portent en avant la réflexion philosophique, tant dans sa méthodologie que dans ses positions métaphysiques les plus fondamentales.
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    Framing a Phenomenological Mixed Method: From Inspiration to Guidance.Kristian Moltke Martiny, Juan Toro & Simon Høffding - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite a long history of researchers who combine phenomenology with qualitative or quantitative methods, there are only few examples of working with a phenomenological mixed method—a method where phenomenology informs both qualitative and quantitative data generation, analysis, and interpretation. Researchers have argued that in working with a phenomenological mixed method, there should be mutual constraint and enlightenment between the qualitative and quantitative methods for studying consciousness. In this article, we discuss what a framework for phenomenological mixed methods could look like (...)
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    El bien y el mal de las ciencias humanas.Juan Lerín García - 2005 - Salamanca: Editorial Ambos Mundos. Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández.
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  24. El conocimiento de lo físico según Leonardo Polo.García González, A. Juan & Leonardo Polo (eds.) - 2011 - Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.
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  25. Sistema y viejo caos en Wittgenstein.Juan Hernández - 2005 - Cuadrante Phi.
    A favourite discussion topic about Wittgenstein is his concept of philosophy. One of its characterizations takes it as an activity by which we reach a panoramic vision of language. This panoramic vision is neither a theoretical issue nor a theoretical construction, but a state of the philosopher or of those readers who understand Wittgenstein´s thought. He often puts it in terms of a path: "the real discovery is the one that gives philosophy peace", he claims in a famous passage of (...)
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    Response to our reviewers.Juan Manuel Durán & Karin Rolanda Jongsma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):514-514.
    We would like to thank the authors of the commentaries for their critical appraisal of our feature article, Who is afraid of black box algorithms?1 Their comments, suggestions and concerns are various, and we are glad that our article contributes to the academic debate about the ethical and epistemic conditions for medical Explanatory AI. We would like to bring to attention a few issues that are common worries across reviewers. Most prominently are the merits of computational reliabilism —in particular, when (...)
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    Descartes.Juan Carlos Moreno Romo - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:301-307.
    En contraste d’avec la pensée de Spinoza, pour qui la foi n’est qu’un phénomène extérieur et étrange, une notable exception à sa théorie du salut par le control des passions et l’amour intellectuelle à Dieu et par Dieu que l’homme de connaissance peut atteindre seulement grâce à la véritable philosophie, on analyse ici très brièvement la compréhension que de la foi nous proposent, en ayant l’expérience intérieure, surtout Descartes mais aussi Pascal. Pour le premier la foi relève de la volonté, (...)
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    Mathematicians’ Assessments of the Explanatory Value of Proofs.Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos, Tanya Evans, Colin Rittberg & Matthew Inglis - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (5):575-599.
    The literature on mathematical explanation contains numerous examples of explanatory, and not so explanatory proofs. In this paper we report results of an empirical study aimed at investigating mathematicians’ notion of explanatoriness, and its relationship to accounts of mathematical explanation. Using a Comparative Judgement approach, we asked 38 mathematicians to assess the explanatory value of several proofs of the same proposition. We found an extremely high level of agreement among mathematicians, and some inconsistencies between their assessments and claims in the (...)
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    Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns.Juan-Ignacio Pozo, María-Puy Pérez Echeverría, Beatriz Cabellos & Daniel L. Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The closure of schools as a result of COVID-19 has been a critical global incident from which to rethink how education works in all our countries. Among the many changes generated by this crisis, all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of teaching activities. It was (...)
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    La realidad sobre la educación social: la participación como proceso de profesionalización.Juan Francisco Sánchez Cánovas - 2012 - Aposta 52:5-28.
    Mediante el presente artículo se realiza un recorrido aproximativo a la historia de la Educación Social de forma que se conozcan los elementos que la conforman como práctica socioeducativa emergente en la última década del siglo XX y la importancia que tiene en la sociedad; de la misma forma se acomete una aproximación al proceso de profesionalización de la Educación Social a través del modelo teórico que los autores Sáez y García (2006) proponen, mediante el cual se delimitan los actores (...)
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    Filosofía del arrabal.Juan Carlos Moreno Romo - 2013 - Anthropos.
    Si lo mismo piensa el centro que la periferia, acaso el centro mismo sea mejor conocido desde el arrabal —que va hasta él y vuelve a sí mismo, y los conoce a ambos— que la periferia desde esos grandes centros cada vez más provincianos que de ella —que desde un punto de vista superior también es centro, pues el centro está en ninguna, y en todas partes— no ven ya sino sus propias, y las más de las veces no poco (...)
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    Futurizar el presente: estudios sobre la filosofía de Leonardo Polo.Ignacio Falgueras, García González, A. Juan & Juan José Padial (eds.) - 2003 - [Málaga]: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico de la Univesidad de Málaga.
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    Yo y tiempo: la antropología filosófica de G.W.F. Hegel.Ignacio Falgueras, García González, A. Juan & Juan José Padial (eds.) - 2010 - Málaga, Spain: Universidad de Málaga.
    v.1. La sustancialidad y subjetividad humanas -- v. 2. La temporalidad humana.
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  34. (1 other version)Filosofía del derecho.Juan Manuel Terán - 1952 - México,: Editorial Porrúa.
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  35. Teoría del conocimiento y metodología de las ciencias.Juan Manuel Terán - 1951 - [n.p.]: Escuela Normal Superior.
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    Populism.Juan Francisco Fuentes - 2020 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 15 (1):47-68.
    The concept of populism has generated endless controversy marked by both the contrasting political feelings it conveys and a particular problem of definition. This article—based on political speeches, academic literature, and relevant online sources, such as Google Ngram Viewer, catalogs of great libraries, and digital archives of newspapers—adopts a pragmatic approach to the concept throughout its history, from the moment when the noun appeared in North American political life in the late nineteenth century until the most recent “populist moment” in (...)
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    Conciencia, intencionalidad y lenguaje: el reconocimiento agencial como base de la ontología social.Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):175-210.
    El presente artículo dialoga con la perspectiva del profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, John Searle en su perspectiva acerca de la conciencia, los actos de habla en lo que tiene que ver con la creación de hechos institucionales y su tesis emergentista. Esto con la idea de proponer la lectura del filósofo estadounidense en base a una pragmática de la expresión, que identifica al agente como centro de la creación y transformación social, y por tanto de movilización política, al (...)
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    Antropología política y trascendencia en la obra filosófica temprana de Enrique Dussel.Juan Matías Zielinski - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-30.
    Este artículo presenta las notas esenciales, a modo de contradistición comparativa distinción por comparación ––, del análisis realizado por Enriq ue Dussel en su « obra temprana » sobre el « humanismo semita » y sobre el «humanismo helénico». Primeramente, se analiza la perspectiva desde la que Dussel comprende el «humanismo helénico». En el segundo apartado se sistematiza el análisis de D ussel en referencia a la configuración antropológica del pueblo hebreo. En el tercer apartado se analiza de qué manera (...)
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    Croizat’s dangerous ideas: practices, prejudices, and politics in contemporary biogeography.Juan J. Morrone - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-45.
    The biogeographic contributions of Léon Croizat (1894–1982) and the conflictive relationships with his intellectual descendants and critics are analysed. Croizat’s panbiogeography assumed that vicariance is the most important biogeographic process and that dispersal does not contribute to biogeographic patterns. Dispersalist biogeographers criticized or avoided mentioning panbiogeography, especially in the context of the “hardening” of the Modern Synthesis. Researchers at the American Museum of Natural History associated panbiogeography with Hennig’s phylogenetic systematics, creating cladistic biogeography. On the other hand, a group of (...)
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    On Time, Being, and Hunger: Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    The traditional way of understanding life, as a self-appropriating and self-organizing process of not ceasing to exist, of taking care of one's own hunger, is challenged by today's unprecedented proliferation of discourses and techniques concerning the living being. This challenge entails questioning the fundamental concepts of metaphysical thinking--namely, time, finality, and, above all, being. Garrido argues that today we are in a position to repeat Nietzsche's assertion that there is no other representation of "being" than that of "living." But in (...)
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  41. Tina y Lu.Juan Felipe Arroyave - 2010 - Escritos 18 (40):235-238.
    “Hay un amplio cielo azul. Debajo estoy yo, parada en una esquina del jardín. Mucha gente conoce a mis padres, y la mayoría me conoce a mí; algunos conocen el jardín y hay quienes inclusive caminaron hasta este rincón. Pero yo, entre todas las personas que hay bajo el cielo, soy la única que conoce a este pequeño retoño de manzana. Por eso puedo decir sin insolencia que en realidad me pertenece, porque cuando estoy lejos no le queda más remedio (...)
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  42. Estudios jurídicos sobre el papel de la mujer en la Baja Edad Media.Juan Ignacio Bañares - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):541-558.
    The most documented juridical studies about hispanic woman in the late Middle Ages, belong to three specialities: political law, civil or common law (matrimonial), and criminal law. It is in the sphere of matrimonial law where the influence of christian principles has been described as prominent, contributing to the juridical conjugal parity, thus recognizing woman a full civil capability.
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    Antología filosófica argentina del siglo XX.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: EUDEBA.
  44. Puzzles and problems.Juan Urrutia Elejalde - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 96 (1):49-70.
    This paper tries to contribute to the elucidation of some intellectual conundrums and policy questions regarding scientific knowledge (SK). As for modelling , I have shown that the Solow model is independent of human agency, has rich and precise policy implications and captures some features of S(SK). As for policy I have obtained three results. First, the optimal path of scientific production can be reached through an attainable public intervention. Second, whether this public intervention ought to be implemented depends in (...)
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  45. La transcendencia como intrinsecamente constitutiva de ética y politica.S. J. Juan Carlos Scannone - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Shortening clopen games.Juan P. Aguilera - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1541-1554.
    For every countable wellordering $\alpha $ greater than $\omega $, it is shown that clopen determinacy for games of length $\alpha $ with moves in $\mathbb {N}$ is equivalent to determinacy for a class of shorter games, but with more complicated payoff. In particular, it is shown that clopen determinacy for games of length $\omega ^2$ is equivalent to $\sigma $ -projective determinacy for games of length $\omega $ and that clopen determinacy for games of length $\omega ^3$ is equivalent (...)
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    Long games and σ-projective sets.Juan P. Aguilera, Sandra Müller & Philipp Schlicht - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102939.
    We prove a number of results on the determinacy of σ-projective sets of reals, i.e., those belonging to the smallest pointclass containing the open sets and closed under complements, countable unions, and projections. We first prove the equivalence between σ-projective determinacy and the determinacy of certain classes of games of variable length <ω^2 (Theorem 2.4). We then give an elementary proof of the determinacy of σ-projective sets from optimal large-cardinal hypotheses (Theorem 4.4). Finally, we show how to generalize the proof (...)
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  48. El exilio, vía de conocimiento : José Luis Abellán.Juan Fernando Ortega Muñoz - 2012 - In Villacañas Berlanga, L. J., Antonio Rivera García & José Luis Abellán (eds.), Ensayos sobre historia del pensamiento español: homenaje a José Luis Abellán. Murcia: Editum, Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia.
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    Operazioni cognitive: un approccio ontologico al problema mente cervello.Juan José Sanguineti - 2005 - Acta Philosophica 14 (2):233-58.
    In this study first we delineate an overview of the main philosophical positions on the problem of the distinction between mental acts and physical acts in man. There follows an exposition of the topic, inspired by Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s principles. Sensitive operations are physical, but in the sense of an ‘elevated body,’ thanks to a higher formal dimension, which informs the organic basis. Intellectual operations, by contrast, are completely immaterial, though they act united to the sensitive cerebral basis. Accordingly, they (...)
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    García Norro, JJ y Rodríguez, R.(eds.)," Cómo se comenta un texto filosófico".Juan Pablo Serra - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:354-359.
    Which is the best icon of philosophical activity? The Spanish philosopher Garcia Morente analyses three sculptures: Le penseur by Rodin, Il pensieroso by Michelangelo and a sculpture known as El Doncel de Siguenza, in the cathedral of this Castilian town. Morente asserts that the latest reflects better than anyone else the nature of philosophy. In this paper the Morente’s view is rejected and another two ways of representing the philosophical activity are suggested: two ancient paintings that represent more properly the (...)
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